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What was Harrys memory for his Patronus?

Harry is happy to begin his Dementor fighting lessons with Lupin. They meet one night to practice the anti-Dementor spell on a boggart. The spell is called a Patronus charm and to produce it you have to concentrate on a powerful, happy memory. Harry tries it out, using the memory of the first time he rode a broomstick.Click to see full answer. Also question is, what is the most powerful Patronus?Corporeal. Severus Snape’s doe Patronus is the same as Lily Potter’s due to his lifelong love for her A corporeal Patronus is one that is fully-formed, taking the shape of a bright-silver, translucent animal. It is the strongest form a Patronus can take, being able to fully drive Dementors away.Also, why was Harry’s Patronus so strong? Harry’s happy memories are also strong because they are based not only on happiness but love – his love of his parents, and theirs for him. Aberforth’s patronus presumably the same. A patronus based on happiness and love ought to be stronger than one based on happiness or love alone. Consequently, what was Voldemort’s Patronus? He does not have a patronus, and has never been able to cast the spell. I suspect that if he could however, his patronus would probably be a snake. His patronus is a dwarf rabbit.How did Harry conjure the Patronus?They found him on all fours with an army of Dementors bearing down upon him. Harry told Hermione to think of something happy, and they both tried to conjure a Patronus. Believing that Harry was a threat, the Dementors closed in on him. Once he could no longer produce a Patronus, Dementors attacked.
