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Which of the following should you avoid if your tire suddenly blows out while you are driving?

If your tires suddenly blow out, do the following: Do not slam on the brakes. Take your foot off the accelerator and gently apply the brakes. Steer straight ahead to a stop.Click to see full answer. Also, what should you do if you have a tire blowout quizlet?Take foot off gas, don’t use brakes, concentrate on steering, slow down gradually, brake softly when car is under control, pull completely off pavement/roadway.Similarly, when driving on the highway you have a tire blowout after you have slowed down and regained control you should? If you have a tire blowout or lose a wheel while driving, follow these steps: Hold the steering wheel tightly and steer straight ahead. Slow down gradually, taking your foot off the gas pedal slowly but without applying the brakes. Slow to a stop off the road, applying the brakes only when the car is almost stopped. Subsequently, one may also ask, what causes a tire to blowout? The hot weather combined with longer trips, faster speeds, and heavy loads can add too much stress to an already worn out tire and cause it to pop. Unlike a flat tire, blowouts happen when a tire explodes and may leave accident-causing rubber debris in its wake.What will happen if you have a front TYRE blowout?Tyre blowouts can be dangerous, especially if you are driving fast, because they can cause your vehicle to lose control. A front-tyre blowout will usually cause the vehicle to ‘pull’ towards the side with the blowout. A rear-tyre blowout will usually cause the vehicle to sway from side to side.
